Yes Rob! I Want To Easily Sign Up A Ton Of Clients Without Strategy Sessions...

"Hi Rob, I purchased your Fast Revenue Coaching program some time ago and I LOVE IT. It's a brilliant concept, one that I've actually taken advantage of with other coaches (I purchased a year of laser coaching from Nina Cooke and it was really helpful for me!) ... Thank you so much for all the great content you create for us. Even a short lesson from you is packed with so much excellent, useful information. I take notes, implement, and I still keep going over them again because there's just so much there to learn and to help me in my coaching practice. Thanks again, have a wonderful day!"

Karyn Dolan, Rochester NY


Karyn Dolan

Transformational Life Coach, Rochester NY

Hello Rob. I absolutely LOVE your program, and laser coaching fits me “to a T”. I’m working with Toria and that’s great, too. I can see from my own experience how this laser coaching really works. I’ll start VIP Weekends soon.

Coach Jan Wallen

I Understand I Will Receive

  • The Exact System Rob Used To Sign Up Over 50 Private Coaching Clients Mostly Via Email Plus Several New Ways to Sell Laser Coaching ($5000 value)

  • One Full Year of "Get It Done" Laser Coaching so I can go through the model as a client and make some big progress in my business! ($997 value)

  • One Full Year Unlimited Video Coaching Support so I can reach out any time I have questions or need support and get a video reply! ($997 value)

  • Five Full Years Of Access To Rob's Radical Results Mastermind so I can get live "hot seat" coaching 4 times a month and learn about the latest strategies 3 times a month on the "teaching" calls ($9985 value)

  • Rob's Proven Swipe Copy And Templates to Use the Magic Words that Help Clients Quickly Sign Up with Me ($1997 value)

  • Five Full Years In The Radical Results Power Hour so I have space to go through the course and implement what I learn... and make a ton of progress in my business. ($5820 value)

  • Rob's "Fast Revenue VIDEO Coaching" Program to create, sell, and deliver coaching using videos without taking a spot on my calendar ($1997 value)

  • Rob's "BIG Revenue VIP Weekends" Program to create, sell, and deliver powerful, high-priced VIP Weekends ($1997 value)

  • Rob's "Fast Revenue Copywriting" Program to build and nurture a BIG list, package up my offers, and sell my products and programs using highly effective email campaigns ($1997 value)

  • Rob's Experts Will Review and Improve My Offer Before I Put It In Front of Prospects to maximize the results I get from this program ($1997 value)

  • Sample Coaching Calls and Certification When I Pass The Tests so I can hear and see what actual coaching calls are like and get certified as a "Radical Results Laser Coach" for credibility and confidence ($1997 value)

Total Value: $34,781

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